
Main Connecting Starting

help commstats

Shows the status of the communication channels that are available, for each player.
on’ means they can hear and use the channel.
off’ means they could use the channel, but don't currently hear anything said over it.
inv’ means the only have temporary access to the channel.
ban’ means they used to have use of this channel, but it has since been removed from them.
---’ means they cannot see or use the channel.

  == Commstats =============================================================
                intercom  service  gossip
   Gareth         off       on       on
   Orange          on       on       on
   Plett           on       ---      on
   Sniper          on       ---     ban
   Serriadh        on       on       on
   Zub             on       on      inv

Can also be used to see operator status on channels you can see.

  >commstats op
  == Commstats =============================================================
                intercom  service  gossip
   Gareth          op       op       op
   Serriadh        op       op       op
   Carbon          ---      ---      ---
see also:
intercom, gossip, channel