
Main Connecting Starting

Actions Parser Codes

act(src, "format string", dst, prop)

src dst male female plural second
%1 %a [name] [name] [name] you
%2 %b he she they you
%3 %c him her them you
%4 %d his her their your
%5 %e his hers theirs yours
%6 %f himself herself themselves yourself/yourselves
%7 %g man woman people person/people


%w Returns the short name of the prop. Careful here... if the prop is a partexit (like the livingstone train, for example) the short name will be something like 'in'. Consider using %!a, or something similar if possible.

%W Returns the name of the prop, modified for possession - "his prop", "your prop", "Orange's prop".

%s Returns the text string (only for real actions).

%1's and %a's Return "your" if %1/%a is you, otherwise are unmodified.

%[blahs/blah] or blah%[s] Return "blah" if %1 is gramatically plural (e.g. FL_PLURAL, or 'You') "blahs" if gramatically singular.

%<blahs/blah> or blah%<s> Return the same as above, but for %a (target).

%{blah} Can be used to force a particular piece of text to be modified according to the sender's state of drunkeness/literacy/transmogrification.

To capitalise a code, use '#' after the %. For example, %#2 is He/She.

To force a code to return the 3rd person version only, use '|' after the %. For example, %|1 will show the sender's name to both the sender and the observers. This also works with %|[/] and %|</> codes.

To remove the 'articles' from a name (articles being words like 'the' in our mobile 'the three heads'), use '!' after the %. This can be combined with the '|' modifier above.