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help objects

objects <zone> [all] [like <pattern>]
objects <object> all [like <pattern>]
objects all

Lists the objects in a zone (or the whole mud, or a specific object), together with some useful information.

If targetted at an object, it will descend recursively through all objects conatined within it, and return any it finds

By default, this shows only static objects... clones are not displayed unless you use 'all'

If you supply a 'like' clause, only mobiles with names that match <pattern> are returned. A pattern is just a simple single line string, which may contain * wildcards.

>objects grain
== Objects =======================================================================================
ID Name Owner Type
grain_zone grain_zone @musicmud
grain_cage_1 a cage level1_officer_1
grain_droppings_1 some droppings empty Edible
grain_tank_1 a grain tank grain_1
mission_13 a mission mission_zone

Uses multistat realobjects <zone> i!n(30)lt Objects

see also: references">multistat$], rooms$], references">multistat">objects$], references">multistat$], rooms$], references">multistat, references, |shopfind