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help references

references <object>
references <object> in <zone>

Finds all objects in the game world that reference the given object. This command searches things like descriptions and lua traps as well as conventional attributes, though no transient or special attributes (starting with ! $ or _) are checked. If you are only interested in a specific zone, possibly because you know that there are no references to the object outside of that zone, specify a zone name in the "‘in’ clause to significantly speed up the search.

references from <zone>
references to <zone>

Either returns all the references in objects in the given zone which point to objects in other zones, or lists all the objects in the game world which reference objects in the given zone. This mode does not check descriptions or lua traps.

Please note that this command could easily have to check every attribute or every object in the game. This means it could take some time to run!

see also:
checklist, checkobject, where, ls, stat, show, detail, changeid