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help shopfind

shopfind <zone> [category]
shopfind <planet> [category]
shopfind all [category]
shopfind item <id>

If category is not specified, lists the shops in a zone (or the whole mud), together with their value, the items they stock, the amount in stock and their effective price.

The item option returns instead all the shops that stock a specified item.

The category option lists all the items of a given type for sale in the zone (or the whole mud), together with the shops that sell them.

Summary gives brief details of shops, excluding any items they sell.

Category is a shoptype value, and may be one of:
food : anything with "food">=0 and without the drink flag
drink : anything with "food">=0 and the Drink flag
clothing : anything with "wornon"
weapon : anything with "damage"
armour : anything with "armour"
vehicle : anything with the Mount flag
cybernetics: anything treatas template_implant_2

>shopfind level2
== Shops =======================================================================================

ID Sell Buy Item Cost InStock MaxStock
level2_21 Stores 100 90


Uses multistat:
multistat rooms <zone> in@{shop}$i{shop.ripoff}<Sell>$i{shop.offer}<Buy>$s{shop.%}<Item>$v{shop.%}<Cost>$i{$stock.%}<InStock>$i{shop.%.istock}<MaxStock>$f{store}(0)* Shops

see also: objects, rooms, mobiles, multistat, drinkfind