
Main Connecting Starting


The Cryosphere has a "dynamic reset" system, which will automatically restore zones that have been tampered with (eg. by players accepting a mission, looting containers or murdering mobiles) to their original state.

This system runs automatically in the background, and is careful not to reset any bits of the game that are currently being observed by players. This means that so long as you are in a zone, or hold an object that belongs to it, the zone will never reset.

If you have completed (or abandoned) a mission, you should either sell any objects you've taken from it, or throw them into a chute. Otherwise you'll prevent the mission from resetting, which will stop anyone being able to do it again. If you've mucked up a mission and it doesn't seem to be resetting, make sure you've left the mission area and disposed of any items from it!

@@/i missions